Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rat Race

Ever wondered of doing something different from what the world is doing?
Getting out of the RAT RACE?

Think BIG!

Many of the people who know me ask me to do MBA.
Hmm.. A good thought..

When I look back, I see, I have around 10 years of on field business.
When I had to study, I was involved in business.
I got trained under a person who rose from RAGS to riches.

I know all the intricacies of business in practical. But still, I don't feel like writing about it.

It's surreal that I am not using my knowledge in business.

Coz something inside me says "THINK BIG!"


bharat211 said...

Go and reach for the stars my good friend! Best of luck!

Anonymous said...
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monsoon dreams said...

wow!all the best!