Bangalore is a small crowded and professional city ;-)
So, some techies of my community have formed a group in Bangalore and a get-together was organised yesterday. The focal point of the program was to bring together people for a lunch comprising our traditional food - Dal, Bati & Churma (which I have referred as DBC).
It was a fun filled day with loads of excitement. We were around 30 strangers who got together just to enjoy our traditional food. The day started with the introduction of the individuals. To make the introduction procedure interesting, we sat in a circle. Each individual was supposed to remember the name of the individuals before him and thereafter, introduce himself. Henceforth, we involuntarily memorized the names of all the individuals.
It was 11 o'clock by now and it was time for a late Breakfast.
We had POHA and it was really tasty.
Thereafter, we proceeded to play a game of cricket. I haven't played cricket since last four years. But, this time round, I thought of playing as most of the guys who were playing had also not played the game since long time. I don't want to describe the manner in which the game was played but all in all, we had great fun.
It was 4 o'clock by now and the most awaited moment was round the corner. Yes!! It was time for Dal, bati and churma. Of course, we planned that we will have it in the traditional manner. First a batch of around half the people were served the delicious cuisine by the other half. During serving, the love among people was quite evident and lovely to watch. Food is so much meant to win hearts and bring people together. In the second phase, people who were serving were served. I went back to good olden days when we used to have get togethers at home.
In the evening, we played the game of Housie. It was again FUN all the way.
At the end of the day, we were strangers no more. I had mixed feelings as the day came to an end. On the whole, a full fun filled day added to my life. Of course DAL, BATI & CHURMA too.
Thanks all.
I just thought to be first one to comments. It was fun-filled event and also kind of awareness for your mathemtical art!
I just thought to be first one to comments. It was fun-filled event and also kind of awareness for your mathemtical art!
Just now saw your blog related to DBC program. Good description from start to end including every thing related to this programe. Simple language, good starting (about origin & current location)
Good work .. Kee it up :)
uuuhh..I want that DBC! Dun care wat programme..hahahah..but your descrption makes me wanna hav dat DBC.. i m already hungry..Btw, i saw the photos..u sure had a lot of FUN!More of such gatherings...yeah..long live the food! hahahaha...just kidding la..
Really nice blog.. short and sweet as like churma we had :)
Keep up the good work !!!
Vishal Rathi
Was going for my Lunch when came here through We_Maheshwari grp on yahoo.
You can imagine my condition aftre seeing that Thali ....
sounds like you had a great time Anand...
and the food looks delicious !!
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