This symbol seems to be a very simple one, but this has been been engulfing my mind since last six months. I thought of making another mathematical artwork and started to do so. In doing so, I went through lots of concepts of mathematics which dealt with INFINITY in some manner or the other.
I revised lots of Trignometry to find something relevant which could give me clues for binding the infinity. My mind kept revolving in the realms of Algebra and Calculus to find out ways to portray the infinitum. I drew lots of drawings but none could satisfy me.
I am still trying to open "the closed loop" of INFINITY and may be I'll do it soon.
Interesting concept Anand....
good luck with your calculations :)
well not having a mathematical mind ..Anand....
my response would be to integrate some images of nature into the cicular shape...I thought your drawing of the trees was excellent and for me represents the infinite quality of nature....
I quite like the linear qualities in this figure ....
however if you are thinking of painting it I would consider using gouache.......
the thought u have caught onto is mystical.. .just twist 'nothing' and you arrive at infitum.. .just way you percieve reality.
I have seen the symbol in 2 dimension only, can it be 3dimension?
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