working at heart. Very few people sacrifice a good life
for a good cause. Very few people sustain in a joint family
of 60 members. Very few people are deeply caring and loving.
Very few people sacrifice their happiness to give happiness
to others. Very few people learn a lot of things, do a lot of
things and still don't get what they deserve in life. Very few
people have enormous potentials so that they can be compared
to Gods.
An intersection of all these qualities is my mother - a great
cook, a dedicated house wife, a learner even at the age of 50,
a pious person and a great human being.
She is my goddess.
Kudos to you, Uma Devi Bora, my mother!!
How sweet of you ;)
Your mom looks so beautiful!
Her heart has to be beautiful as well.
Great Anand,
We've just read seen ur website.... Ur mother is also with us.... She's so proud & felt so honoured that can't be expressed in words.
Very few people feel the same as U, for their mothers. This article would be a source of motivation for those.
Keep up the Good work.
All The Best.
I just read what you wrote about your mother and the story you emailed me.
Thank you for sharing both with me, I feel honored.
You are blessed to still have your mother alive...and blessed to have someone inspire you so. Mothers sacrifice for our children, that is what we do. We sacrifice our dreams, our goals...I'm not saying we give them up, but I am saying we cannot do everything we want to do the way we would like to do it because our children come first.
One day when you are a father, you too will do the same for your children because you had your mother as a role model. Look for a wife who emulates the same as your mother.
It is through life struggles that character is defined Anand. We find out who someone is not in the good times, but in the bad. I have seen plenty of bad in people in the both the good and the bad times. But what I admire is when I see the good in people in the bad times.
Integrity, perseverance with an above average intelligence makes anyone a success. Never give up my friend...never. Tenacity is my middle name.
Always plan for a worst scenario...always. That is one of the secrets of the top 1% in the world.
If you anticipate the worst...you'll never be surprised my friend, will you?
And if you anticipate the worst...stare it straight in the eye...you will succeed! Make fear your friend. Learn to love the word NO.
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