Saturday, November 23, 2024

पुरुष - A Hindi poem on Men for International Men's Day

Image created by Bing AI

मेहनत जिसकी रीड की हड्डी, धैर्य जिसका बल,

कर्म की पथ पर चलता वो है पुरुष अचल ।

अपने लक्ष्य को भेदना, अर्जुन से है सीखा,

पर उसके मन की वेदना का सार किसी ने न देखा ।।

एक तुला के कांटे के सामान,

करता है वो परिवार का संतुलन।

अपनी आशा, आकांशा और सपने का त्याग कर,

करता है वो समाज की तपिश का आलिंगन ।।

एक बेटा, एक पुत्र, एक भाई,

यही नहीं, वो है एक आज्ञाकारी जमाई ।

दिन, रात, महीने और साल गुजर गए,

पुरुष खड़ा रहा, और समय के दूत चुपके से निकल गए ।।

वो सोचता रहा की उसकी अर्धांगिनी कभी तो पारवती बनेगी,

पर आधुनिक काल में केवल काली की छवि रहेगी ।

ऐ पुरुष, तू शिव की तरह हलाहल का पान कर,

संघर्ष क्षणिक है, अपने कर्म से मानवता को प्रणाम कर ।।

आनंद बोड़ा

Friday, November 01, 2024


This poem is written on the context that Lord Shiva gets impressed by the incessant focus and hard work of a very knowledgeable and scientific man and gives him Darshan in his dream.

Fig: Meditating Shiva created by Bing AI (Prompt: create a meditating image of Hindu god Shiva on mount kailash. His disciples are saints, monsters, bulls and common people. They are in a worshipping pose towards him. Shiva is in a meditating state.)

My curiosity and the will to know,
Made me question, reason and question the flow.
Driven by logic, I debate with the divine;
He answers patiently just before 03:59.

Oh! I find him calm, serene and yogic,
His aura is beyond human logic,
I have my doubts and knowledge clouts my mind;
I ask him, where do you live and how do I find?

Giving me a look of aplomb;
While his devotees prop out of a catacomb,
He tells me gently, "I will answer your questions."
Suddenly, my heart is filled with mixed emotions.

He returns to a meditating state -
I don't know, why it feels he has no date.
He opened his eyes and spoke, "OM" -
My mind got inundated with pathway to freedom.

The voice trickled down my spine;
Healing my nerves, blood vessels and the dynastic line.
The answers have come, I don't need to ask;
I surrender, Sensei - unto you, I bask and task.

Anand Bora